By Nicklas Matsumoto | Staff Writer

As the inbox is flooded with emails from professors at the beginning of this semester, less time is devoted to personal care and maintenance. College doesn’t make personal care any less important, but finding the time to stay healthy and sane seems fleeting. This article offers five simple habits to adopt that may assist you through another semester of college.

1. Meditation
This is just putting life and all its noise on pause. Set your phone down and breathe. Clear your mind from yesterday’s troubles and tomorrow’s anxieties. Be present and find something to be appreciative of. It may sound spiritual to say that I meditate every day, but meditation is practical and beneficial medically. The Mayo Clinic published an article on April 22, 2020, with an in-depth analysis of meditation, its benefits, the different types of meditation, and how to do it. Meditation assists in providing a sense of peace, balance, assistance in managing stress, and increased patience.

When I first began meditating about 4 years ago, I sat in my back yard comfortably. I began by taking deep breaths, feeling the air enter my nose into my lungs as they stretched, then released out of my mouth. After developing my rhythm, I closed my eyes and tried to notice every little noise I could possibly hear. I tried to hear all the noises simultaneously and thought, “What does it mean for me to be here right now?”

2. Clean
Take a mental break while still being productive by cleaning a little around your living/working area. An article published on November 13, 2020, by MYMOVE, a media company, listed the health benefits of a clean home. Reduced stress, increased productivity and better sleep are a few of the benefits mentioned.

3. Journal
Time is fleeting as it is always moving. It is valuable but can be taken for granted. Journaling is an opportunity to record time, cherish it, and learn from it. Journaling has helped me organize my thoughts and track my personal growth in life. Keeping memory sharp and strengthening emotional functions are a couple of benefits journaling provides according to an article published on July 31, 2018, by Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health service system.

4. Walk and Stretch
Spending most of the day at home and on a chair may harm your physical health in the long run. Taking a walk and stretching are great and easy ways to meet the body’s needs. I’m not suggesting a run or even a light jog. Harvard Health Publishing released an article on October 13, 2020, all about walking and mentions how it helps in dealing with blood pressure, obesity, and mental stress. Go walk, even a short walk, to let the body move and boost its functions.

5. Text someone
Send a kind text to someone. There may be someone that would appreciate a touch of warmth. Even people who seem like they have it all together need an encouraging word every so often. I received a kind note from a friend last month near Christmas, and it was a burst of encouragement; I was motivated to be the best me. You have the power to inspire someone by simply sending a kind message. And this world could use a little more kindness.